Summer School 2014


The Cluster of Excellence "Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter" (PRISMA) and the Graduate School "Symmetry Breaking in Fundamental Interactions" at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz held their inthernational summer school:

Symmetries and Fundamental Interactions 2014

The event took place on a lovely Chiemsee island in Bavaria/Germany in the Abbey Frauenwörth from September 1 to 5, 2014.

We had invited top-level scientists for the lectures and topical talks in the fields of Low Energy Particle and Hadron Physics, High Energy/Collider Physics, Precision Experiments, and Mathematical Physics.

Speakers included:

  • Freddy CACHAZO (Perimeter Institute, Waterloo/Canada)
  • Jos ENGELEN (University of Amsterdam/The Netherlands)
  • Michael PESKIN (SLAC, Stanford/USA)
  • Antonio PICH (IFIC Valencia/Spain)
  • Christopher SACHRAJDA (University of Southampton/Great Britain)
  • Iain STEWART (MIT, Boston/USA)
  • Guido TONELLI (INFN and University of Pisa/Italy)
  • Uwe-Jens WIESE (University of Bern/Switzerland)
  • Giulia ZANDERIGHI (CERN, Geneva/Switzerland)

More information about the summer school and the registration can be found on INDICO


Program & Schedule

Overview of PhD students talks

Local Organizer:
Ellen Angela Lugert
(not active anymore)
Program Committee:
Georg von Hippel, Raoul Malm (student rep.)Matthias Schott, Hubert Spiesberger,
Stefan Weinzierl, Hartmut Wittig
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Institutes of Physics, Nuclear Physics and
Nuclear Chemistry
Staudingerweg 7
55128 Mainz, Germany