
Advanced Lectures

The special-topic lectures are related to the research areas of the Graduate School

Summer term 2018

Standard Model Precision Physics

Dr. William SHEPHERD and Dr. Duc Bao TA
every Monday [10:00-12:00] and Wednesday [10:00-12:00],
starts on April 16, 2018

Winter term 2017/18

Neutrino Physics

Prof. Dr. Lutz KOEPKE and apl. Prof. Dr. Hubert SPIESBERGER
every Monday [10:00-12:00] and Wednesday [10:00-12:00],
starts on Oct. 16, 2017

Summer term 2017

Weak Interactions and Precision Experiments

Prof. Dr. Tobias HURTH and Dr. Rainer WANKE
every Tuesday  [12:00-14:00] and Wednesday [10:00-12:00],
starts on April 19, 2017

Winter term 2016/17

Dark Matter

Dr. Katharina Bierwagen and Prof. Dr. Pedro Schwaller
every Tuesday and Wednesday [10:00-12:00],
starts on October 25, 2016


Summer term 2016

LHC Physics

Prof. Dr. Lucia Masetti and  Prof. Dr. Hubert Spiesberger
every Tuesday and Thursday [10:00-12:00],
starts on April 19, 2016

Winter term 2015/16

Nucleon Structure

Dr. Vladimir Pascalutsa and
Prof. Dr. David Hornidge, Mount Allison University (Canada)
Start date and times are tbd.,
starts after October 19, 2015

Summer term 2015

Neutrino Physics

Prof. Dr. Joachim Kopp and Prof. Dr. Michael Wurm
every Tuesday and Wednesday [10:00-12:00],
starts April 21, 2015 at 10:00

Winter term 2014/15


Prof. Dr. Uwe Oberlack and Prof. Dr. Hubert Spiesberger
every Tuesday and Thursday [10:00-12:00],
starts October 28, 2014 at 10:00

Summer term 2014

Introduction to Higgs Boson Physics

Prof. Dr. Volker Buescher
every Thursday [10:00-12:00],
starts April 24, 2014 at 10:00

Winter term 2013/14

Collider Physics

Jun-Prof. Dr. Barbara Jaeger and Dr. Christian Schmitt
every Tuesday [12:00-14:00] and Thursday [13:00-15:00],
starts Oct. 22, 2013 at 12:15

Summer term 2013

Neutrino Physics

PD Dr. Tobias Hurth and Prof. Dr. Lutz Koepke
every Tuesday and Wednesday [10:00-12:00],
starts Apr. 16, 2013 at 10:15

Winter term 2012/13

Electroweak Physics

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Jäger and Dr. Matthias Schott
every Tuesday and Wednesday [10:00-12:00],
starts Oct. 23, 2012, ends Feb. 6, 2013
or alternative dates and times according to planning meeting
on Oct. 23, 2012 at 10:15

Summer term 2012

Flavour Physics
Dr. Georg von Hippel; Prof. Dr. Heinz-Georg Sander
Tue, Apr. 17th, 2012 [10:00-12:00] - Wed., July 18th, 2012 [10:00-12:00]

Winter term 2011/12

Higgs Physics at Colliders
Dr. Marc Hohlfeld; Jun.-Prof. Dr. Barbara Jäger
Mon, Oct. 24th, 2011 [13:00-15:00] - Thu, Feb. 16th, 2012 [8:15-9:45]

Summer term 2011

Collider Physics and QCD
Dr. Frank Ellinghaus; Dr. Vladimir Pascalutsa
Tue, Apr. 19th, 2011 [10:00] - Thu, Jul. 21th, 2012 [14:00]

Winter term 2010/11

Topics of Electroweak Interactions
PD Dr. Tobias Hurth; Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lucia Masetti
Tue, Oct. 26th, 2010 [10:00] - Wed, Feb. 16th, 2011 [10:00]

Summer term 2010

New Phenomena and Concepts in Elementary Particle Physics
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Haisch; Dr. Rainer Wanke
Tue, Apr. 13th, 2010 [10:00] - Thu, Jul. 15th, 2010 [10:00]

Winter term 2009/10

Strong Interactions
Dr. Ulrich Andreas Haisch; Dr. Daniel Wicke
Tue, Oct. 27th, 2009 [10:00] - Thu, Feb. 11th, 2010 [10:00]

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